Chris DeMaria
Now We Stand Outcast
October 10, 2023

Exhibition Dates:
10/10/2023 - 11/17/2023
Thursday, October 12 at 6pm - 7pm
Artist Statement
This collection of works was created between 2017 to 2023. A whole, they focus on the American working class, specifically in Appalachia.
“Now We Stand Outcast” is a line from the song Solidarity Forever by Ralph Chaplin. The lyrics“…Now we stand outcast and starving midst the wonders we have made…” written in 1915, aptly describes the plight of the working poor in America today. Gig economy, grind and hustle culture philosophies are ruses to distract from the fact that quality of life has deteriorated for many people the past forty years. Access to appropriate healthcare and living wage jobs are on the decline. Within our Appalachian region this has been especially true. Working a full-time job for many does not equate to food, housing, and healthcare security anymore. People are struggling and there are no clear answers as to a remedy.
With all the problems, people continue to go on in the face of adversity. This is cause for hope. One of the themes in my work is to celebrate everyday life and places in our region. The good and bad, all mixed together, is what interests me and what I hope to convey in my art.